Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is batter for health?

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world and easily accessible in almost every corner of the globe. Close to 80% of American households have tea stored somewhere inside their kitchen cupboards. Tea comes in thousands of different varieties with seemingly endless flavors, aromas and histories. That endless variety can make deciding The post Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is batter for health? first appeared on

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world and easily accessible in almost every corner of the globe. Close to 80% of American households have tea stored somewhere inside their kitchen cupboards. Tea comes in thousands of different varieties with seemingly endless flavors, aromas and histories. That endless variety can make deciding which tea is best for your health and taste buds quite the challenge.

What Is Green Tea?

Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is batter for health

Green tea is derived from the tea plant known as Camellia Sinensis 3. This evergreen plant is native to India and China where it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. In modern times, the tea plant is cultivated all across the world from Japan and China to South America and Europe

What Is Black Tea?

Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is batter for health

Just like green tea, black tea 3 is made using the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Black teas mainly come from three tea-producing countries: China, India and Sri Lanka. In China, black teas are cultivated in the Anhui and Yunnan provinces. Most Chinese black teas feature whimsical names such as Fairy Branch, which do not indicate which region it was grown in. In India, black tea is produced in the Assam, Darjeeling and Nilgiri regions. Indian black teas are often named after their growing region, making them easy to identify. Ceylon black tea comes from Sri Lanka, which was formerly known as Ceylon.

Health Benefits of Tea

Black tea offers similar health benefits to green tea although there are differences in chemical composition. Green tea contains more antioxidants and chemical compounds than most black teas 4. This is because black tea undergoes a fermentation process where oxygen reacts with enzymes and results in the loss of catechins and polyphenols. Although black tea contains fewer of these compounds, it still packs a punch when it comes to health benefits.

Weight Loss Aid

Black tea, like green tea, can help you lose weight and stay fit. A 2014 study, studied the effects of black tea on weight loss over a three-month period. Participants that drank black tea daily reported increased weight loss

Mind Booster

Black tea contains higher levels of caffeine than green tea, making it a good choice if you need an extra boost of energy during the day. Black tea increases blood flow to the brain, making you feel more alert and focused.

Heart Health Protector

Black tea only contains a moderate amount of caffeine so it won’t over stimulate your heart like coffee can. In fact, black tea is good for heart health. People who drink black tea regularly have a lower risk of developing heart disease. Drinking black tea can also help to lower LDL cholesterol, or bad cholesterol. Excessive amounts of LDL cholesterol can lead to serious heart disease and even heart attacks

Choosing Your Tea

Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is batter for health

Both green tea and black tea contain powerful compounds that offer a host of health benefits. They both help to keep your immune system healthy, promote heart health and aid in weight loss. Deciding which one works best for you will depend on your specific situation and tastes.

Some tea drinkers prefer green tea while others are devoted consumers of black tea. At the end of the day, it really comes down to preference and taste. Just because you prefer green tea doesn’t mean you can’t drink black tea. The beauty of tea is that you can mix it up anytime you want and the variety of flavors and aromas are almost endless. Try out several different types of black and green tea and see which ones please your palette the most.

Experiment with green and black teas from different regions to discover the nuances of each flavor profile. Learning the history behind the different tea varieties can also make the tea drinking experience more comprehensive. Understanding how small differences in artisanal processes and growth techniques can help you appreciate the different flavors in our tea. Whatever flavors you choose, drink tea and relish the benefits for your mind, body and soul.


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